Saturday, August 25, 2018

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

When was the last time you really allowed yourself to to take a close look at what's going on around you? Have you noticed that everything changes in front of us & unless when really using our super powers to the the good in that moment we blink & we've missed it. Perfect examples of this are how fast our kids are growing up & even how quicker our parents are aging. I'm guessing I'm silly enough to think that when I was younger my age group just stayed in those moments longer & my parents just never seemed to age until all of a sudden BAM everyone around them was/is dealing with sickness, including them now. Over the past few years my family finds themselves preparing for a future that will most likely not include mom & dad like it has for ever in our lives. As children of strong parents that took care of what seems like everything it's very tough to watch them struggle with things you know that on any other day they could do for themselves without a second thought. It's a blessing to know that I was raised by parents that taught me life lessons that I use every day & that I've done my best to pass on to my own children. I know a time will come when I have to say my goodbyes to them, but it's been the ability to understand that God puts each of us in someones life for & with a purpose that makes the difference for me. Some days I totally understand it & other days I don't need to, but I know that my role I have is important in life, especially in the lives of my parents. For all the troubles I've cost them & all the heart break I've brought into their world there is nothing more I can do other than be the son that I was created to be....

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hello World! Are we all paying attention? I mean this week our news feed includes an animal cracker box with no bars, so the animals can be "freed" & roam freely in their natural habits. I mean come on PETA eat a burger! Then there are the MTV VMA's for all those music videos that our kids aren't watching! Get outta here with that, unless a phone in their face is music, they ain't watching it.... Perhaps the best show we have in front of us is the constant Trump Tweet TV & all that glorious content that the "never gonna be impeached" president provides all the news networks with. These are the times we are living in and these are easily the best days of our lives? No way! Hands down the 1980's have to be the best times we ever had if you are in age range & grew up then. Seriously, what do our kids have to be proud of right now? We are living in a country that has just about lost touch with every thing that was ever good about my child hood (I'm 45) & there is no way that there is any turning back for them. It's all high speed from here & they will live in a bigger is better world with no substance in their futures. What will the future look like? It's being sold as bright & futuristic, but I see it as dimly lit at best. What are we doing to ensure that their youth stays in touch, rather than out of touch? Riddle me that!